In order to be considered for the prize in the end you must give your $20 buy-in to Andrew by Friday February 12th! If everyone buys in at this point we are looking at a $160 prize to the winner! From the looks of it - everyone is still in the running for winning!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

peej day 10

1500 - Small plate of curry shrimp, 5 meat balls, cup of blueberry raspberry yogurt with pecans, 1 cup of pecans macadamia and dried cranberries. Pint of water.

- 12 oz. americano 2 packets of sugar, cream.

- Water (post wod)

- Ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes, 4 asparagus, a couple snap peas, 2 doritos.

- tabata intervals - score: 40

* pull ups - 10
* push ups - 4
* squats - 12
* double unders - 5
* sit ups - 9 (this was the third time I did tabata sit ups in 2 weeks!)

Bad day of eating today. I didn't eat til about 3 pm. The WOD was good. Push ups were the hardest for me and I had to slow down a little for my arms sake. (Push ups were what gave me the infamous rhabdo) I did do well with my double unders seeing as the first this I said when I saw the WOD was "I can't even do those." I got 5 consecutive today so I'm ready to get 10!

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